
Experts put Nigeria's infrastructure gap at $3trn

By Aviashima Toom, Abuja Research experts have estimated Nigeria's infrastructure gap at $3 trillion, about six times the size of its annual Gross Domestic Product, GDP. Speaking during a virtual meeting on institutionalisation of R&D in Infrastructure Development thematic group of the TETFund Research and Development Standing Committee, RDSC, they stressed the importance of infrastructural development to  economic growth. A lecturer at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Prof Muhammed Usman, in a presentation, said between 2009 and 2013, Nigeria invested a paltry $664 per capita per anum in infrastructure, representing 3 per cent of its GDP, compared with an average investment of $3.060, or 5 per cent of GDP in developed countries. Usman noted that this has widened the country's infrastructure gap and has been a major impediment to economic growth.  He noted that this "poses a major funding challenge in the face of the current fiscal imbalances. Besides, the c

Humanitarian Need May Double to over 200 million by 2050 - SCI

By Aviashima Toom, Abuja Save the Children Int'l Foundation says, following climate related disasters, the number of people in humanitarian need could double to over 200 million by 2050, and humanitarian funding needs could increase to US$20 billion annually by 2030. In a statement signed by the Acting Country Director, Save the Children International Nigeria, Shannon Ward in Abuja said that, the climate emergency is wreaking havoc across the world at a scale that the humanitarian community and people on the front-lines cannot manage. Save the Children who also join other parts of the world to celebrate World Humanitarian Day, called for synergy to combat climate change and save lives. The statement reads in parts; "While the world is celebrating the World Humanitarian Day, Save the Children calls for a renewed effort by government and other stakeholders in fostering a meaningful exchange on what the climate crisis means to people, its impact on Nigeria, especially

ESMI, Admonishs Safety, Security as Agenda For National Development

Aviashima Toom, Abuja A group under the aegis of Environment and Safety Management Institute (ESMI) has said that the safety and security of urban areas should be an important agenda for national development. The group disclosed this last week during a strategic stakeholders seminar on enhancing safety in emerging cities held in Abuja. Delivering his keynote address, a proffesor from the Dpartment of Urban and Regional Planning University of Jos, Prof Davidson Alaci said, Urban areas play the role of commercial hubs contributing immensely to national economies. According to him, the rise in urban density is a defining global socio-ecological phenomenon of the 21st century and it is unparalleled in the history of mankind. He said, "Urban areas are are the engine of national, regional and local economic development and wealth because they create job opportunities, valuable concentration of human, technical and financial resources, access to capital markets, knowledge and expertise.

Millions of children going hungry in North East Nigeria - Save The Children

By Aviashima Toom, Abuja Over 2.3 million children and youths, including some 700,000 children under five are going hungry as attacks are devastating lives through malnutrition hunger, abuse and trauma’ in the northeast of Nigeria In a statement signed by the Director, Advocacy and Campaigns, Save the Children International, Amanuel Mamo,  said, recent UN report assert that 4.4 million people in the area on the brink of acute hunger as attacks by militants are forcing farmers from their lands.  The foundation therefore  condemns the reported attacks and displacement of farmers and other civilians in the North East, Nigeria. "Around 2.2 million people have fled their homes because of the violence, leaving families and children wanting for food, a safe place to live and, for many children, an education. “The situation in the northeast is extremely dire. Millions of children have already been through a decade of suffering, violence and humanitarian crisis.  Thousands and

Nigerian Diaspora: Uniting to promote peace and development

 By Aviashima Toom, Abuja On Sunday July 25, Nigeria celebrated its 15th National Diaspora Day under the theme: “Diaspora Integration for National Peace and Development”.  Former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration launched this event in 2006 in recognition of the diaspora’s contribution to national development.  The 2021 virtual celebration in the form of a webinar was organised by the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), an organisation that provides a platform to engage Nigerians in the diaspora in policies, projects and participation in the socio-economic, cultural and political development of the country. In her opening remarks, Chairperson of NIDCOM, Abike Dabiri-Erewa noted the inextricable link between peace and development. Her remarks were pertinent in light of the ongoing security quagmire in Nigeria, ranging from Boko Haram terrorism to the Niger-Delta crisis, the farmer-herder conflict and kidnappings by “bandits”. Dabiri-Erewa called

Minister Urges Diaspora Group To Counter False Narratives About Nigeria

By Aviashima Toom, Abuja The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has called on the Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) to help counter the false narratives by secessionist groups, insurgents and anarchists who portray Nigeria in a bad light. The Minister made the call in Abuja on Tuesday when he received members of NIDO, UK Chapter, on a courtesy visit.   “As an organized and well connected group, i implore NIDO to leverage its contacts in government circles, parliamentary groups and global think tanks in world capitals to help change the narrative and sweep the carpet off the feet of secessionist groups, insurgents and anarchists who are bent on pushing false narratives to portray Nigeria in bad light. ”I have no doubt that you will take this call seriously and do everything in your power to change the narrative for the better,” he said. Alhaji Mohammed said the Buhari Administration considers Nigerians in Diaspora as critical stakeholders

NIDO UK South Raises Hope For School With Special Needs in Nigeria....Commends Diasporan For Giving Back To Society

By Aviashima Toom, Abuja As part of it's activities to commemorate National Diaspora Day Celebrations, the Nigerian In Diaspora Organization NIDO UK South, has pleadged it commitment and support to Royal School of Educational Therapy Foundation, a school with special disability in Abuja  Chairman of the Organization Bar. Chibuzo Ubochi, disclosed this on Monday when he led NIDO UK South members on a courtesy visit to the School in Abuja. He commended the founder/Educational Therapist for her initiative, said some members of the Organization who are experts in variouse fields especially in Mental Diognosis and other Medical areas, will also assist the school as a way of giving back to the society. He informed that NIDO on it's parts will give a financial support in order to assist the school, emphasizing that, what matters most are donations from the experts which he said will go along way in developing the school. "We know that some Nige